Nexus Connected Worker solutions

Nexus Connected Worker solutions are digital solutions for manufacturing, designed to facilitate smooth data integration, elevate cross-functional digital competencies, and empower real-time decision making. These solutions dismantle information barriers and transition conventional processes into digital workflows, ultimately driving OEE.

Nexus Connected Worker application shown on an iPad with a person in a blue shirt

Optimise your operations and improve productivity

Discover solutions enhancing resilience and sustainability by transforming complex data into actionable insights.

Your path to optimised business operations and digital evolution

Nexus Connected Worker solutions streamline manufacturing processes by facilitating seamless data integration, enhancing cross-functional digital competencies, and enabling real-time decision-making, ultimately driving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) to new heights.  Discover innovative solutions that enhance resilience and sustainability by converting complex data into actionable insights, empowering your organisation to thrive in today's dynamic manufacturing landscape. Unlock the potential of your manufacturing operations with Nexus Connected Worker, empowering your workforce and accelerating your journey towards digital transformation.

About Nexus Connected Worker

Hexagon's Nexus Connected Worker solutions digitally capture traditionally paper-based processes, providing real-time visibility and ensuring efficient completion of shop-floor tasks with speed, accuracy, and safety at the forefront. Addressing manufacturing challenges head-on, Nexus Connected Worker solutions mobile app grants operators efficient access to essential information, thereby enhancing performance and safety across production, maintenance, and inspection operations.   

Connected Worker solutions